Australian Raptor Care and Conservation Inc

Christmas Boobook / Christmas Island Hawk-owl

Ninox natalis

Photographer: Matt Wright




Small, rufous-brown hawk-owl. Sexes similar, female slightly larger. Rufous-brown upperparts. Rows of small, white spots on secondary coverts, scapulars and tertials. Darker brown barring on remiges and tail. Underparts barred rufous and white. Underwing rufous-brown on coverts, barred light and dark grey on remiges. Yellow legs and feet. White lores, short supercilia and chin. Bright yellow iris in small, dark disc. Juvenile downier with whitish underside and head. Voice: double-noted hoot boo-book, second note usually lower in pitch than first. Juvenile begging call, high-pitched trill.

Ninox natalis is restricted to Christmas Island (Australia) in the Indian Ocean, where it is present throughout the island, with highest densities occurring in primary forest and the lowest in regrowth after mining. VULNERABLE

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~ 64cm

Wing length: 178-183mm


 Body Length:


Tail length: 127mm


Male: ~ 1000g

Female: ~ 1200g

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