Australian Raptor Care and Conservation Inc

Greater Sooty Owl

Tyto tenebricosa

Photographer: Peg McDonald




Facial disc is greyish-brown with a dark greyish-brown rim. The face is paler towards the lower rim and darker towards the eyes and the base of the bill. The eyes are blackish and the bill is whitish-cream.

The upperparts from the crown to the lower back are dark sooty blackish-brown, with fine white spots on the crown becoming larger towards the back and wing-coverts. Flight feathers are uniform dark greyish-brown with some indistinct darker bars. The tail is similar with more distinct bars.

Underparts are greyish-brown, paler towards the belly, with small whitish spots and mottling.

The feet are densely feathered pale greyish-brown to the base of the bare greyish-brown toes. Claws are dark brown.

Coastal and mountain regions of south-eastern Australia from the Dandenong Ranges near Melbourne to the Conendale Range north of Brisbane. Reportedly present on Flinders Island in the Bass Strait. They are also found in the Montane rainforests of New Guinea.

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~ 100cm

Wing length: 243-353mm


 Body Length:


Tail length: 115-145mm


Male: ~ 1000g

Female: ~ 1200g

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