Australian Raptor Care and Conservation Inc

Powerful Owl

Ninox strenua

Photographer: Matt Wright




Australia’s largest owl, with a relatively small head and a rounded tail. Dark grey to dark grey/brown above, with white barring, and off-white below, with distinctive dark v-shaped chevrons. The eyes are yellow, set in a dark grey/brown facial mask. The legs are feathered and the yellow/orange feet are massive, with sharp talons. The female is smaller and lighter, with a narrower head. Juvenile birds are downy white on the head and on the underparts, which are sparsely streaked, and they have much shorter tails than the adults. Powerful owls eat mammals, up to the size of brush-tailed possums, and birds.
Endemic to eastern and south-eastern Australia, from south-eastern Queensland to Victoria, mainly on the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range.

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~ 1250cm 

Wing length: 38-43cm


 Body Length:


Tail length: 28cm


Male: ~ 1000g

Female: ~ 1200g

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