Australian Raptor Care and Conservation Inc

Rufous Owl

Ninox rufa

Photographer: Matt Wright




Adults are dark brown to dark reddish/brown above with narrow light-brown and off-white barring. Underparts are off-white with close rufous-brown barring. They also have greenish-yellow eyes and a prominent black/brown mask. The sexes are alike in plumage but females are smaller and lighter. Juveniles distinctly have an entirely downy white head, neck and underbody and prominent dark mask. Eat small and medium-sized mammals, small to large birds and large insects. They can also take fruit-bats in flight. The different subspecies found in Australia differ slightly in size and in coloration intensity.
Australia’s only tropical owl. Restricted to coastal and subcoastal areas in the North and North-East with disjointed distribution from the Kimberley to mid-eastern Queensland.

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~ 1100cm

Wing length: 26-38cm


 Body Length:


Tail length: 18-23cm


Male: ~ 1000g

Female: ~ 1200g

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